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Art of Graceful

PAmela Sloop
3 days ago2 min read
Essential Oil of the Week: Rosalina Essential Oil
Rosalina Essential Oil may be one of the lesser-known players in the world of essential oils, but it is very versatile. It is also known...
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PAmela Sloop
3 days ago2 min read
Focus on Female Entrepreneurs and Female Owned Small Business: Packed With Purpose
One of my goals when I started working on Art of Graceful Aging was to learn about, highlight and affiliate with, and support companies...
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PAmela Sloop
Jan 282 min read
Essential Oil of the Week: Lemon Balm or Melissa Essential Oil
Lemon Balm, also known as Melissa essential oil, is a popular aromatic essential oil that has been used for centuries. It has a wide...
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PAmela Sloop
Jan 205 min read
Retinoids: What Are They? And What’s the Right One for You?
If you are someone that is interested in skincare products, chances are that you have used or heard of Retinoids. Retinoids are chemical...
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PAmela Sloop
Dec 11, 20245 min read
Terrific Travel Tips for Seniors
I have always loved to travel. My children and grandchildren all live out of town, so visiting them often involves a road trip. Holidays...
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PAmela Sloop
Nov 15, 20244 min read
Pre-Holiday Pre-Tox!
Every year, once Halloween has passed, it always seems that the Holiday season just steamrolls in at fast speed. The candy isn’t even put...
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PAmela Sloop
Oct 7, 20241 min read
Focus of Female Owned Small Business and Female Entrepreneurs: Aromatics International
Aromatics International is a family owned and operated business with a growing team of people who share their dedication to support...
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PAmela Sloop
Oct 3, 20244 min read
The Importance of Regular Exercise for Senior Women’s Health
As a Nurse Practitioner specializing in Total Women’s Healthcare, I talk to senior women about their health all day long, every day....
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PAmela Sloop
Sep 9, 20242 min read
Focus on Female Entrepreneurs & Female Owned small business: Hayden B Jewelry
One of the things that I wanted to do with Art of Graceful Aging was to showcase female entrepreneurs and female owned small businesses,...
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PAmela Sloop
Aug 26, 20247 min read
Essential Oils
One of my favorite things about walking into my med spa is the smell. When you walk in the door you are greeted by a fragrance that...
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PAmela Sloop
Jul 30, 20243 min read
Keeping Your Bones Healthy As You Age
One topic that comes up frequently in my women’s total health practice is how to preserve bone health and prevent or decrease the...
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PAmela Sloop
Jul 10, 20244 min read
BABY Boomer Beach Bag Essentials
Wow summer has come in with a bang! When we have those long, beautiful summer days, I get the undeniable urge to head off to the beach. ...
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PAmela Sloop
Jun 13, 20243 min read
Fighting Chronic Inflammation Naturally
Acute inflammation is a sudden, natural process in your body that’s job is to protect you against “invaders” such as infection, injury,...
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PAmela Sloop
May 31, 20243 min read
Infrared Sauna: Heating Things Up....Literally!
One of coolest things that has happened recently at my Spa and Aesthetics Center is the addition of a new Wellness Suite that includes,...
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PAmela Sloop
May 22, 20243 min read
Coffee-More Than Just A Tasty Drink
Every night before I go to bed, I make sure that I have my coffee pot set up and ready to go for the morning. I grind the beans myself,...
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PAmela Sloop
May 14, 20244 min read
Weight Gain…Is it Worse After Menopause?
I have been a Women’s Health Care provider for many years. Every day I talk to women about their health, and if there is one problem that...
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PAmela Sloop
May 6, 20244 min read
What’s the “scoop” about Semaglutide and Tirzepatide?
If you have been listening to the news, been online or reading tabloids lately, you have more than likely heard about tons of celebrities...
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PAmela Sloop
Apr 22, 20244 min read
Aging Skin: How sun and other factors affect it and what we can do about it
During COVID, many of my meetings with drug company reps and other office business meetings were on ZOOM. There is nothing like a closeup...
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